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Yoga with Kelle Carthey
Saturday, November 14  |  4:00pm - 4:45pm
Kelly Carthey, Yoga Instructor

Our class will begin with an introduction, description, guided meditation/intention setting, then a beginner yoga session that will include some basic yoga poses and stretching, followed by a short closing relaxation and breathing session.

Our yogi participants will need a mat and some water during the session. It is easiest to do yoga on the floor in a quiet peaceful setting, if some participants are unable to get onto the floor we can try to help with modifications in a chair.

Kelle is a nurse and yoga instructor from Orange County, California.  She has 4 children ranging in age from 21 to 5.  When she is not working you can find her hanging out with her kids and bernidoodle puppy, Rufus.

She has been a member of the bleeding disorders community for 20 years, as her husband has severe hemo A and her daughter has both hemo A and VWD. 

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