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Men's Meetup

Sunday, July 28, 2024
11:00 am3:00 pm

Join Men and those that identify as male with Bleeding Disorders at Topgolf with HFNC/NCBDF and BioMarin. Susan Ackbury from BioMarin will present and Mosi Williams, MSW, will join you as facilitator as you learn about gene therapy, rap, eat and tee off! There is room for 20 in this event. Ages 18+. There is no childcare available. You must be registered to attend this event. Thank you for your understanding.

Únete a los hombres con trastornos hemorrágicos en Topgolf con HFNC/NCBDF y BioMarin. Susan Ackbury, de BioMarin, y Mosi Williams, MSW, se unirán a usted como facilitadoras mientras aprende sobre la terapia génica, rapea, come y juega al golf. Hay sitio para 20 en este evento sólo para hombres con trastornos hemorrágicos. Edades 18+. No hay servicio de guardería disponible. Usted debe estar registrado para asistir a este evento. Gracias por su comprensión.